Born in Arecibo, Puerto Rico in 1975.

Acevedo’s pictorial work is recognizable by the bold colors, textures, and compositions. Acevedo, has created imagery attributed to his silent resistance to conformity and established stereotypes and draws from his roots in Puerto Rico and social themes.

His pictorial work is recognizable by the bold colors, textures, and complex  compositions. He has created darker imagery attributed to his silent resistance to conformity and established stereotypes. A notable part of his depictions is the hidden message or symbols in his work, drawing the viewer into each piece and creating intrigue. The work Acevedo produces ranges from vibrant Pop-like, expressionistic, and abstract.

Acevedo’s reach has been extended by numerous featured articles in magazines such as Gulfshorelife, the Fort Myers Magazine, Happenings Magazine, the Fort Myers News-Press, D’Latinos Magazine, and others.

He has exhibited in the United States, Spain, and China (Hong Kong). Winning the title of Visual Artist of the Year in 2009 and a Gulfshorelife Magazine FACE Award in 2016 for his community work in diversity and inclusion.

 Community Activism

After moving to Southwest Florida in 2000, Acevedo established a reputation as one of the primary artists in the community winning the title of Visual Artist of the Year in 2009 and the Gulfshorelife Magazine FACE Award in 2016 for his community work in diversity and inclusion.

His first professional artist studio opened in 2006, later transforming into a pioneering art gallery for artists called DAAS. It was after opening the first DAAS Gallery that he co-founded the popular Fort Myers Art Walk (2008), then serving in the core committee until 2012.

Acevedo served in the Fort Myers Public Arts Committee from 2011 to 2012 as well. From 2013 to 2020, Acevedo contributed as Arts Editor for TOTI Media INC, publishing numerous articles for their five local and international publications.


David Acevedo – photographed in his studio by Vanessa Rogers for Gulfshorelife Magazine, June 2020